Our Beautiful Adopted Daughter

Older Adoption Child Family PhotoMeet our beautiful 6 year old daughter, Sara! She was created by God with a plan and purpose to make a positive impact in this world. To be a world changer. She grew in someone else’s tummy but she also grew in OUR hearts. She was meant to be ours. We adopted her in 2013 from India when she was 5 and it has by FAR been THE BEST decision we’ve ever made!

In the short 18 months she’s been home, she has brought more joy and life into our family and home than we could have ever imagined. It was so worth the wait and journey that led us to her! Her “brown chocolate” eyes sparkle and her smile literally lights up a room. It’s the first thing people comment on when they meet her — her beautiful smile.

She is joyful, full of life and willing to try new things. Having two teenaged siblings, she’s brought our family even closer together. We proudly call ourselves the Fantastic Five and completely adore our newest addition! Why does she smile nearly all the time? I believe it’s because she truly understands and appreciates what it means to have her own family — to be loved, encouraged, nurtured and prayed for, to feel safe and secure and wanted.

Adopting an Older / Waiting Child

India Adoption Family with SaraI want to encourage others to keep an open mind about adopting an older/waiting child. I believe these children see happy, smiling families walk through the doors to adopt their child and when they leave, they’re left wondering, “When are my mom and dad coming to get ME?” I recently came across a great quote….”I always questioned if I was ready to adopt and then I realized no child was ready to be an orphan.”

Without the wonderful staff at IFS, Sara wouldn’t be ours. We are forever grateful for the IFS team!

(IFS Note: Sara was adopted from India by Burke and Laura and her new sister and brother Mary Margaret and Payne. Sara’s new home is in Louisiana. Last name has been withheld. Posted with permission.)

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