Meet Addison – U.S. Infant Adoptions

Meet Addison – U.S. Infant Adoptions

Addison was born November 30, 2014 in the U.S. (IFS domestic cross-cultural program) and her adoption was final in May, 2015. Mom Lisa reports that Addison is smart, creative, sweet, playful, cuddly, adorable, burpy, sometimes smelly…

Domestic Cross-Cultural Adoptions (DCC) are on the Increase at IFS

Domestic Cross-Cultural Adoptions (DCC) are on the Increase at IFS

Families often come to International Family Services because we are known as a leader in international adoptions and these families are often ready to consider a child of another ethnicity. Then they discover they can expedience their culturally diverse adoption dream without the international travel and without longer wait times associated in an international adoption.

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